Phenomenological method in educational research: understanding the key tenets of Max van Manen’s methodology




‘Phenomenology’ refers to a philosophical movement and also several qualitative research approaches. Max van Manen’s phenomenological research approach has its own characteristics, which are difficult to grasp for qualitative researchers new to this type of methodology. This text aims to describe the principles and methodological assumptions of hermeneutic phenomenology – also known as phenomenology of practice - not explicitly covered in the literature, which hinders the comprehension of the method. The article is divided into two main sections. The first one describes the teleological, the ontological and the epistemological principles. The second one describes the methodological assumptions, including the methodology in the service of the professional practice, the transition from the natural to the phenomenological attitude, investigating experience as it is lived, how lived experience cannot be known through codes or categories, and how the phenomenological text promotes pathic knowledge. We conclude that the phenomenology of practice is a non-canonical qualitative phenomenological methodology that inquiries into the educational phenomenon as it is lived (ontological principle), promotes the acquisition of a practical wisdom (epistemological principle), and allows us to ensure the students wellbeing (teleological principle).


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Author Biographies

José Gabriel Montes Sosa, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Doctor en Psicología. Líneas de investigación: Ethos y formación profesional, epistemología y afectividad. Profesor-investigador, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), México.

Narciso Castillo-Sanguino, Universidad Tecnológica de Izúcar de Matamoros

Doctor en Investigación e Innovación Educativa. Docente en la Carrera de Lengua Inglesa. Universidad Tecnológica de Izúcar de Matamoros (UTIM), México.


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