Statistical reasoning, conditional reasoning, and prior knowledge in statistics, assessment and covariation
The teaching of mathematics teaching should encourage logical reasoning, especially in statistics, where concepts such as statistical thinking and reasoning stand out. Even though the definition by Garfield and Chance (2000) is the most accepted, there are still various definitions of statistical reasoning, with no clear consensus on its meaning and assessment. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship and assessment of this concept together with conditional reasoning evaluated with the well-known task by Watson (1968), in its abstract and concrete version, controlling also prior knowledge in statistics. The research had a quasi-experimental design with quantitative measurements for the three variables of interest: statistical reasoning, prior knowledge in statistics and conditional reasoning. The performances were evaluated based on the SOLO taxonomy by Biggs and Collins (1982, 1989). The results revealed a low performance in the three variables of interest. A positive correlation was found between abstract and intermediate reasoning, as well as a negative correlation between knowledge in statistics and abstract reasoning.Downloads
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