Initial training in the teaching of history. Historical-cultural heritage in the third grade of primary education




This work is derived from the final results of qualitative research conducted with a phenomenological and interpretative-critical approach and a case study method. The research subject is an individual in initial training for teaching, who builds his own notions of teaching about cultural historical heritage and, through pedagogical intervention, helps children in the third grade of primary education appropriate the concept of cultural–historical heritage. The technique and instruments used were the interview and hermeneutic analysis of his graduation thesis. The aim was to identify the initial training process of a primary education teacher through pedagogical intervention on teaching third grade children of primary education about their cultural heritage. The results of the intervention show that it is possible to build qualitative features of teacher training from a sociocultural perspective in the framework of a comprehensive model of teacher training.


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Author Biography

Francisco Hernández Ortiz, Benemérita y Centenaria Escuela Normal del Estado de San Luis Potosí

Doctor en Humanidades y Artes. SNI I, Asociado al Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa. Cuerpo académico: Historia, educación y formación docente. Líneas de investigación: historia de la educación, historia cultural, procesos de formación docente, enseñanza de la historia, lenguaje y la comunicación. Profesor-Investigador, Benemérita y Centenaria Escuela Normal del Estado de San Luis Potosí. México. 

