This is an outdated version published on 2020-12-30. Read the most recent version.

The importance of Media Information Literacy in the context of a pandemic: an update proposal and new questions




This paper presents a review of the main postulates of Media Literacy, a proposal to update its main premises and objects of study, and a set of questions that seek to demonstrate the importance of Media Literacy in the educational context of the pandemic experienced in 2020. The article is organized into three sections: a review of Media Literacy as a disciplinary area that is increasingly gaining strength and relevance in the world, the Transmedia Literacies as a conceptual update that incorporates the diversity of current communicative practical media experiences, and some questions about the importance and current urgency in the context of a global pandemic of a number of contradictions and dualities on the intersection between communication and education.


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Author Biography

José Manuel Corona Rodríguez, Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey

Maestro en Comunicación y Doctor en Educación. Profesor en el Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey y la Universidad de Guadalajara. Investigador asociado y miembro de la Cátedra UNESCO de Alfabetización Mediática Informacional y Diálogo intercultural con sede en la Universidad de Guadalajara. Líneas de investigación: Alfabetización Mediática Informacional, y en la producción y consumo de Narrativas Transmedia.


