Developing visual literacy with the 5E model for learning Newton’s Laws




Our task as teachers is to use the products of educational research to strengthen learning in scientific disciplines, such as physics. This exploratory research with a combined approach aimed to systematically use the 5E model for the conceptual learning of Newton's laws of motion with university students, to stimulate the development of visual literacy, through the use of memes. The results suggest that we may be 95% confident that the resulting percentage interval encompasses the true value. Therefore, as the result of a validated test, the percentage of the total population (1590) of ESIQIE students in the first semester of the August-December 2021 school year who, eventually, do not have basic knowledge of Newton's laws of motion is between 92.26 % and 77.74%. And, as a result of this didactic proposal, at least 22.62% of the sample of students tend to develop in-depth knowledge of Newton's laws of motion and advanced visual literacy skills, since they have the ability to understand and apply rhetorical visual concepts. We concluded that the learning about Newton’s laws of motion acquired by students is linked to the execution of the 5E model and the development of visual literacy.


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Author Biographies

Mario Humberto Ramírez Díaz, Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Doctor en Física Educativa. Miembro del SNI. Líneas de Investigación: Enseñanza de Física a niveles básicos, modelo por competencias. Profesor-Investigador, Instituto Politécnico Nacional. México.


Fabiola Escobar Moreno, Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Doctora en Física Educativa. Miembro del SNI. Líneas de Investigación: Didáctica de la Física, resolución de problemas. Proferosa-Investigadora, Instituto Politécnico Nacional. México.

