Self-assessment and evaluation of research skills in psychology students
Previous research has shown deficiencies in the training of researchers in Latin American universities. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the self-assessment of undergraduate students in Psychology regarding research skills upon entering the research field of Behavioral, Cognitive-Behavioral, and Interbehavioral traditions, and to contrast it with the assessment of basic knowledge in methodology and statistics. This research is non-experimental, cross-sectional, and descriptive. Eighty-two students voluntarily participated, and a questionnaire with fifteen self-assessment questions and twenty-one knowledge assessment questions was developed. The instrument was administered using Google Forms. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis. The students perceived that they have sufficient skills to conduct research, while the knowledge assessment suggests that they have rudimentary knowledge of research methodology and statistics upon entering practical work. We concluded that a majority of the students interviewed perceive that they have sufficient skills for research. However, they have memorized some basic concepts but have not developed critical thinking or been formed as responsible for their own learning.Downloads
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