Defending territories through critical educational practices. The case of CECYTEO
The aim of this research is to analyze the educational practices for the defense of the territory in the College of Scientific and Technological Studies of the State of Oaxaca (CECyTEO). Theoretically, the research is based on Latin American critical pedagogy to understand the multiple territories where teachers can conduct liberating practices and notice their contributions. In the methodological aspect, a cross-sectional case study was developed. Eleven narratives written by teachers at the CECyTEO high school level and awarded in the contest organized by the System Unit for the Career of Teachers were collected. The analysis of the texts was guided by the following questions: What territory is being defended? What is it defending itself against? and How do you defend yourself? The results show four ways of perceiving the territory: body territory, territory in conflict, school territory and virtual school territory. In all cases, the dominant capitalist model that threatens individual and collective freedom is being confronted, which is reflected in counter-hegemonic, territorialized educational practices, emerging from otherness and located in praxis.
Acerca del CECYTEO (s/f).
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