Weaving intercultural encounters: school agents and jñatjo agents in a high school institution
This paper situates the study of the encounter between school agents and jñatjo (mazahua) agents sharing their knowledge in a high school in the north of the State of Mexico. Using Anthony Giddens’ structurationist theoretical approach, we carried out an interpretive analysis of the social fabric. The methodological approach of participatory action-research, participant observation, focus groups and photography facilitated the approach to social transformation into a community. Through the collaboration among the agents involved, four intercultural encounters were organized, which resulted in a discussion about jñatjo history and traditions, the design of 26 bilingual audiovisual posters, a workshop on sheep wool dyeing, and two lessons of jñatjo language. A community website will be developed as a repository of the audiovisual memories of each encounter, thus recognizing the voices of different agents and their knowledge in the community. The results show the challenges faced by the jñatjo society in the transmission of their knowledge, since orality is its main means of dissemination. The lack of proficiency in the jñatjo language of literate students disrupts linguistic continuity. The high school in the jñatjo territory is highlighted as an opportunity to promote intercultural dialogue and recognize knowledge among different cultures.Downloads
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