Ethnic identity construction of Zapotec children and their relationship with sacred geography
The aim of this article is to analyze the way in which Zapotec children build their ethnic identities based on traditional education and their relationship with the natural territory belonging to sacred geography. The methodology used is qualitative with an ethnographic perspective. Participant observation was carried out at the “Emiliano Zapata” Bilingual Indigenous School in the community of San Baltazar Guelavila in the State of Oaxaca (Mexico). The axes of discussion are in relation to the way in which indigenous identities are created and transformed in childhood, in accordance with the education they receive. The main finding was that the identity element related to the territory is the most deeply rooted in infants and that, despite the transformations inherent to their ethnic identity, it manages to remain over time. The other identity elements identified were: self-ascription, language, being indigenous, clothing, food, religion, beliefs and festivals. We concluded that the ethnic identity of the children is still being formed, so they are not yet able to dimension the issue of the sacred in relation to their territory.
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