Motherhood experiences of researchers in the university space




During the last decade, educational policy has sought to promote gender equality in higher education institutions in Mexico. Although it is true that the institutional discourse of universities expresses this commitment, how much are the daily practices of these spaces being modulated when they have been configured by certain legitimized practices that symbolically contribute to their ordering? The aim of this study is to retrieve the experience of motherhood of researchers from a public university to understand how they have coped with the demands of their work and of high academic production at the same time as they deal with motherhood and child care. The research methodology is phenomenological, based on interviews with researchers. The corpus shows very interesting findings, because although some of them have managed to consolidate their research work, it is also true that they have faced tensions on a daily basis, as well as violence, sexism and discrimination, even for being mothers. Since the discourse of gender equality has not managed to permeate institutional practices, the resolution of strategies to survive both at work and in the family remains largely personal.


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Author Biography

Florentina Preciado Cortés, Universidad de Colima

Doctora en Educación. Líneas de investigación: educación y género; cultura académica, profesorado universitario.  Profesora-investigadora tiempo completo. Facultad de Pedagogía, Universidad de Colima. México.


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