
Call for papers: Issue 34, November 2025-February 2026


Topic: Education and Artificial Intelligence

Deadline for receipt of articles: March 31, 2025

Coordinator: Eduardo Santiago Ruiz, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (UPN)-Azcapotzalco, Mexico

***We would like to inform you that, due to the high volume of articles received in recent months, we are currently only accepting submissions on our main subject matter. Until further notice, we appreciate your understanding and, most importantly, your trust in our journal for publishing your work. Read more about Call for papers: Issue 34, November 2025-February 2026

Current Issue

No. 32 (16): Thought in educational processes. March-June 2025
					View No. 32 (16): Thought in educational processes. March-June 2025

At the early times of cognitive science, understood as the study of mental processes, textbooks focused on perception, attention, and memory, typically leaving out everything related to thought, which due to its semantic scope includes important issues such as categorization, intelligence, creativity, inductive and deductive reasoning, judgement, decision making, and problem resolution, among others. All of these processes are of great relevance in the realm of education not just for learning but also for teaching. Nowadays, the study of human thought is a field with great repercussions in the analysis of educational processes through different scientific disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience, sociology, and anthropology. The thematic axis of this issue of Diálogos sobre Educación about thought and education focuses on how actors of education, especially students and teachers, develop and deploy higher cognitive skills in educational scenarios, through different theoretical and conceptual approaches as well as methodological proposals.

Thought, understood as the capacity to generate ideas and shaping representations, allows us to understand and interact with reality. Thus, we believe it is fundamental to learn about the state of the art of the study of these cognitive capacities due to their theoretical and methodological implications for academic achievement. For teachers as well as for students, fundamental learning skills and academic performance include the ability to solve ever more complex problems and make well-grounded decisions. These skills are valuable because they can be applied to diverse contexts beyond the classroom, thus promoting autonomous and critical self-learning that will prepare students for a lifelong, ongoing education.

Coordinators: Luis Alfredo Mayoral Gutiérrez & Juan Gerardo Martínez Borrayo, UdeG.

Published: 2025-02-27

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